The Success MindsetMaps™
Hello and welcome to Success Mindset Community, a place with the brainpower
of some of the finest coaches, entrepreneurs and businesspeople in the world.
Our effort is spearheaded by Robert B. Dilts entrepreneur and coach – author of 27 books on innovation, leadership and success – and Mickey A. Feher internationally renowned entrepreneur, psychologist and coach.
We have talked to hundreds of successful next generation entrepreneurs and leaders. We researched and modeled what they did and how they succeeded.
We want to offer you access to our findings and help you to connect to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, leaders and coaches.
Through this app, you will explore the distinguishing factors of some of the finest entrepreneurs in the world like Steve Jobs of Apple, Elon Musk of Tesla, Richard Branson of the Virgin Group, Jeff Bezos of and Anita Roddick of The Body Shop. We will help you to discover how you can bring some of the same success into your life.
I got such clarity and energy and even inspiration. I finished the book I’d been working on for two years in just 30 days.
As a leading CEO in the nutritional supplements field, I'm always looking for strategies to further improve my effectiveness. The strategies and tools for state management and accessing resources have been very effective for my television work on QVC, and also for managing my energy during long filming and business days.
I’m an entrepreneur and technologist and also an active angel investor. I’m a visionary and the Mastermind gave me some new framework to think about sort of vision, identity, mission, alignment, roles, all the way down. I’m delighted in the program and I highly recommend it to anyone else.
The most valuable is ….to have a lot of breakthroughs that I would not otherwise do, to be able to create the things that I want to do but because I don’t have the right support so I delay it, so now I get to do all that.
One of the things that came out that for me is the creation of a new business that I’m now in the process of launching. I have gotten throve of new tools that I can bring to the work that I do with the leaders that I work with.
I recommend this to friends, family, anybody that wants to take it to the next level in their life, in their professional and personal lives.
And that one little shift in a mindset, in a belief pattern, in a habitual way of assuming and/or seeing the world can change your results in your life and in your business dramatically.
I realized that if I believe, I can achieve. It’s something that I would happily recommend to others. And if you want to try and move your internal game into the next level, this would be a good place to check out.
I’m quite impressed. I highly recommend this to everybody. I feel that we’re not only becoming better and more successful business people but we are becoming better and more successful human beings affecting everything else in the world.
People can’t achieve what they want to because they feel helpless: “I’m not capable of doing it.” Or hopeless: “What’s the use.” Or, “I’m not worthy.” And that was my thing: “I’m not worthy. I really don’t deserve this.” I really feel like I’ve shifted this weekend and I really don’t think that’s an issue with many more, which one you think of it is quite remarkable. I’m quite happy about the outcome of this weekend.
Robert Dilts
Entrepreneur, Coach, Trainer, Author
Robert has a global reputation as a developer, author, coach, trainer and consultant in the fields of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP) and Success Factor Modeling (SFM) and is co-founder of Dilts Strategy Group and of NLP University in Santa Cruz, California. Robert has pioneered applications of the principles and techniques of NLP and SFM in both multinational organizations and start-up ventures, and has authored numerous books and articles about how they may be applied to enhance leadership, creativity, communication and team development.
Mickey Feher
Global Entrepreneur, Coach
Mickey is a Mindset specialist, helping others to unlock their Purpose and reach their next level. He is a speaker, executive coach and facilitator with 15 years of experience developing people and organizations. He is one of the co-authors of the book Generative Consulting: Tools for creativity, consciousness and collective transformation.
Has 17 years of experience in sales management and C-level leadership on a global level. He has worked across the full spectrum of CEOs, entrepreneurs and senior leadership teams, as well as senior leaders of both small private companies and multi-billion dollar publicly-traded organizations.